Growing businesses can carry a lot of bad habits into their growth phase. They didn’t have the financial or people resources to implement strategies used by large organizations. One of the most important tools large organizations leverage in today’s competitive environment is data.
Large organizations easily filter valuable information to gain insight, review customer service performance metrics, and increase revenue. Effective data management is one of the main reasons larger organizations stay ahead of the competition. Today, there are inexpensive and powerful technologies readily available to everyone — meaning small and growing businesses can leverage these same tools to grow their revenues.
What are some of the most popular tools every small business should be using?
Organizations should strive to provide different methods of communication to meet their customers on their preferred channel. However, these channels are not always linked to one-another.
If a potential customer emails your support team, then calls your business directly, will your staff be aware of all previous communication from this particular person?
Separated channels leave organizations with an abundance of data spread out on different platforms. An omni-channel platform pulls data into one place to close these gaps — streamlining and improving the customer experience.=
An integrated customer service platform, with access to multiple channels, allows you to unlock opportunities and discover potential gaps in your customer service strategy. Your customers have questions you may not be answering — and their inquiries can be turned into quality actionable insights.
There are likely new features or fixes your team has not considered. In other words, problems that can be solved by your team — with the right information.
Information is the key to upselling and loyalty.
When you deeply understand how your customers interact with your business (including communication styles, buying preferences, past purchases, and more) you can adjust from a reactive to a proactive customer service approach — delivering more value with each purchase and fostering a loyal customer base.
Customer satisfaction is a direct reflection of the support team. Data analysis can be used to set internal performance goals and provide incentives for proactive customer service standards. This data also provides the basis for ongoing training programs to ensure customer service levels are exceeded.
Small and medium size businesses no longer have to struggle to keep up with large organizations who have in-house IT teams. Your business can outsource branded digital support while collecting data on your customers and generating reports that allow you to take action. Every connection with a customer is a revenue opportunity – don’t leave your service strategy to chance.
If your company isn’t leveraging the above tools get in touch – we’re always happy to talk and provide insight. Click here to get in touch.
Publish Date: June 30, 2021 6:51 PM |
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