You cannot expect any employee to act on, or put into practice, what they have been trained on, but failed to learn and retain.
Few would argue that you learn little from a single training session and that repetition is a critical component of learning and retention. However, this essential repetition and embedding of the training content rarely occurs. The reality is that when using traditional means, few organisations can afford the time away from the workplace necessary to guarantee employees learn and retain what they are trained. The consequences resonate throughout the organisation wherever employees touch processes, customers or systems and drive reduced productivity and increased operational and regulatory risk.
At Elephants don’t forget we use cutting edge AI in the form of our award-winning app, Clever Nelly, to continually assess the critical workplace knowledge of your individual employees and simultaneously fix each and every gap she discovers.
AI enables Nelly to quickly establish what an individual employee knows and does not know and then tailor her interventions, both volume and subject, to favour what employees do not know. Nelly uses multiple choice questions based on training material you have delivered to employees in your workforce. These questions can be simplistic, contain pictures and extend to sophisticated psychometric questions and scenario ranking questions. The AI component of Nelly andPlease Login
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Few would argue that you learn little from a single training session and that repetition is a critical component of learning and retention. However, this essential repetition and embedding of the training content rarely occurs. The reality is that when using traditional means, few organisations can afford the time away from the workplace necessary to guarantee employees learn and retain what they are trained. The consequences resonate throughout the organisation wherever employees touch processes, customers or systems and drive reduced productivity and increased operational and regulatory risk.
At Elephants don’t forget we use cutting edge AI in the form of our award-winning app, Clever Nelly, to continually assess the critical workplace knowledge of your individual employees and simultaneously fix each and every gap she discovers.
AI enables Nelly to quickly establish what an individual employee knows and does not know and then tailor her interventions, both volume and subject, to favour what employees do not know. Nelly uses multiple choice questions based on training material you have delivered to employees in your workforce. These questions can be simplistic, contain pictures and extend to sophisticated psychometric questions and scenario ranking questions. The AI component of Nelly andPlease Login
This company has no Instagram account registered with us.
This company has no Facebook URL registered with us.
This company has no Youtube URL registered with us.
This company has no LinkedIn URL registered with us.
If you work for this company, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn And other company registrations can be managed under membership settings click here
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