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TeleTech Recognized as a Kincentric Best Employer in the Philippines


Manila, Philippines, Dec, 2021 -- TeleTech, a global customer experience (CX) technology and services provider for end-to-end digital CX solutions, announced it has been recognized as a Best Employer in the Philippines for 2021 as part of Kincentric's Best Employers program.

TeleTech has been operating in the Asia-Pacific region for over 20 years and partners with clients to deliver customer experiences through its Philippines operations. Being a Kincentric Best Employer means that employees come to and leave work inspired and motivated, with a drive to do their best for the future success of the organization.

"TeleTech is thrilled to be recognized once again as a Philippines Best Employer for 2021 by Kincentric," said David Bernal, Executive Director and Regional Lead, TeleTech. "Being a Best Employer leads to greater innovation, better business results, and organizational effectiveness because we receive valuable insights to inform our company and continually improve our culture. It is a true feat to be recognized."

The Kincentric Best Employers program adopts a rigorously researched global framework and proven data-driven methodology to identify Best Employers using three data sources—the CEO Questionnaire, the Employee Opinion Survey (EOS), and the HR Interview and audit of relevant practices.

The insights derived from these sources are centered around four key attributes of Best Employers—the high employee engagement attribute measures the station of emotional and intellectual commitment with an organization, while engaging leadership attribute rates the extent to which leaders drive a more engaged workforce and better business performance. Additionally, the agility attribute calculates the ability of an organization to rapidly change or adapt in response to changes in the market, and the talent focus attribute measures how the organizations attract, develop and retain talent to achieve business goals.

This employee engagement model has led to improving business outcomes, such as a 36% higher retention rate for engaged employees and a 55% higher Net Promoter Score (NPS) for overall customer satisfaction and retention.

TeleTech was recognized as a Kincentric Best Employer in 2018 and 2019 previously for demonstrating strengths in employee engagement, leadership, talent focus and agile culture.


Posted by Veronica Silva Cusi, news correspondent
Source: TeleTech

Date Posted: Friday, December 10, 2021

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