Industry Champions Awards are now CLOSED!
- The annual program that recognizes Amazing Individuals and Industry Leading Companies operating within the Contact Center World!
This is a FREE TO ENTER program - watch the short video on the right for some details
is presented to the top movers and shakers - highly respected individuals who positively influence the growth and development of the contact center industry in their country!
is presented to the company that received high number of votes from 'in-country' contact center professionals as being key in helping to shape and develop the industry through either innovative products, services, or exceptional leadership/education in the sector!
This 'no fee to enter' contest is open to any individual in the industry and also NEW! - an award for the 'Company' Industry Champion Award
How the awards program works
1. We invite anyone to enter as a champion! Each country will have a dedicated page where all those wishing to participate can enter for free.
2. The Industry Champion is a person. They may be the leader of a company or someone working within a company who has contributed to the growth and/or image of the contact center industry in your country.
3. Entrants must solicit votes from industry members who can share comments about the entrant's work for the industry.
4. The winners will be the entrants who meet the minimum entry level of 50 valid votes and have high number of total valid votes by the close date in the following categories:
- Inhouse Contact Center Leader / Manager (employed and working in a center) - broken down by size*
- Outsourced Contact Center Leader / Manager (employed and working in a center)- broken down by size*
- Consultant (Independent)
- Trainer (independent or employed by a center or company)
- Industry Guru (employed by a company - typically a vendor)
* small (under 50 staff), medium (51-249), large (250-999), mega (1,000+)
5. Nominations are now CLOSED
The finalists will be invited to our Regional NEXT GENERATION Contact Center & CX Best Practice events where we will announce the winners
6. The judges' decision is final.
7. Note - if you work in the contact center space and are not a member of our Global Association, we will create an account for you and connect you with the person you are voting for. If you are a member already, we will also connect you if you are not already connected.
To access a page with details for entrants in this award click here.
1. We invite any company that sells any kind of product OR service to contact centers to enter for free as well as any contact center or industry association/group.
2. The Company Industry Champion will be the corporation in each country that has the overall high number of valid votes (min 50) in that country by the deadline in the following categories:
- Industry Vendor (sells products or services to contact centers)
- Industry Association
- Contact Center (under 50 FTE, 51-249, 250-999, 1000+) and broken down by in-house / outsourced
3. Entrants must solicit votes from contacts/ customers who can share comments about the company.
4. Nominations are now CLOSED
5. The finalists will be invited to our Regional NEXT GENERATION Contact Center & CX Best Practice events where we will announce the winners
6. The judges' decision is final.
Note - if you work in the contact center space and are not a member of our Global Association, we will create an account for you and connect you with the person you are voting for. If you are a member already, we will also connect you if you are not already connected.
To access a page with details for entrants in this award click here
Select here if you are voting for or nominating a person or a company and follow the easy steps to complete your vote/nomination.
I am checking out the most prestigious awards in the contact center world - take a look - its really awesome!
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